Sunday, August 22, 2004
Okay, I've finally put some photos online.
Images of Dijon : Random pictures of the city, the USC group, and my class from the University of Bourgogne.
Vitteaux, Fontenay, Semur-en-Auxois, and Bussy-Rabutin : A lovely day trip that involved the majority of the USC group; I got some lovely pictures of the scenery.
The Loire Valley : Ah, chateaux, wine, food... sounds like a great time - and it was.
Beze : I took a little daytrip on "La Fete Nationale" to this charming little village with some amazing caves.
Vezelay and Montreal : I had some of the best food on this day trip. It was a mellow, relaxed Saturday.
Faces of Dijon : This was actually a photo project as part of my final presentation on the "other". I made a really good slide show using these photos - come to my room if you want to see the real thing.
Finally, my dad wanted me to say that he helped me move into New.
Yes. Thanks Daddy. You helped me a lot, even though you're not supposed to carry anything due to your bad back.
Okay. That's about all. School starts tomorrow. Phew.
:: posted by Jennifer N. 9:48 PM
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
I'm back in Los Angeles after 2 weeks in England, 4 weeks in France, and 2 days of driving across the United States on I-10.
RA training starts in less than an hour and my room is still nowhere from being habitable. I need to steal my bookcase back from Parkside sometime within the next two days. I also need to get my fans back from Nitin... during the day, New can be as hot as Hades! Or maybe that was because I was busy transporting LCD tvs up three flights of stairs.
I miss my LA peeps. If you're in the area, give me a call! I'll be a bit busy, but I'll try to squeeze in as much "friend" time into my schedule as humanly possible.
I hope to give a Dijon update, butI screwed myself over with the lack of China one. I took some amazing photos and if I don't post them online, I'll have 20 angry French students attacking my dorm room. I was threatened with physical harm. While I've certainly built some muscle by lugging my stuff up the stairs... I don't think I'm strong enough to ward off 20 people at the same time.
It's nice to be back at a computer. My "home" in Dijon had no internet access... and I was too cheap and/or lazy to make it to the local internet cafe. But ethernet is good to me! Plus I have a former double, so I think I actually have two ethernet connections. Awesome.
Okay. I should get dressed before my first meeting at nine.
:: posted by Jennifer N. 8:11 AM